Thursday, May 12, 2005

Kill me


Fui la boluda que siguió con la amistad que habíamos dejado de lado el día que me plantaste un beso sin pedirme permiso.
No pude evitarlo, me dabas -y me das- esa sensación de belonging que no encuentro en ningún lado.
Y definitivamente valió la pena saltar al vacío con el paracaídas roto el día que, sentada en un rincón del cuarto, te escuché decir que nunca lograste perdonarte y dejé que me plantaras un segundo beso insolente.

Pero a veces me pregunto cuántas veces más I could take you back. Cuántas veces volvería a dejar que me destroces el alma, cuántas lágrimas me quedan para vos.
Trato de no pensarlo muy seguido; la respuesta me asusta...

Don't bother saying you're sorry
Why don't you come in
Smoke all my cigarettes again
Every time I get no further
How long has it been?
Come on in now, wipe your feet on my dreams
You take up my time
Like some cheap magazine
When I could have been learning something
Oh well, you know what I mean, oh
I've done this before
And I will do it again
Come on and kill me baby
While you smile like a friend
Oh and I'll come running
Just to do it again
You are the last drink I never should have drunk
You are the body hidden in the trunk
You are the habit I can't seem to kick
You are my secrets on the front page every week
You are the car I never should have bought
You are the dream I never should have caught
You are the cut that makes me hide my face
You are the party that makes me feel my age
Like a car crash I can see but I just can't avoid
Like a plane I've been told I never should board
Like a film that's so bad but I've got to stay till the end
Let me tell you now: it's lucky for you that we're friends.

Dancing to: Somebody to love (Jefferson Airplane)